Firm Events

Firm Events

Many of the firm members are life - long residents of our community.  We believe it is our responsibility to assist those who may not be as fortunate and to be part of the solution, not part of the problem. That is why you will find the members of our firm serving on boards of not-for-profits and arts organizations, coaching youth sports, donating time to professional organizations. and performing many other community service activities.

This year we were honored to work with Ronald McDonald House Charities in preparation of the biannual Big Sale.  We were able to close the office and bring the entire staff over to the old Macy's store at The Medley Center where we assisted with the hundreds of donations from the community.  We were delighted to see the amount of support by the Greater Rochester residents, and extremely humbled by the efforts that all of the volunteers put forth to make this fundraiser a success making Ronald McDonald House a beacon of Rochester.

Each year the members of the firm personally donate, along with a generous corporate donation from Nacca & Capizzi, to purchase and fill up backpacks that will be distributed to students in the Monroe County area through The Small Business Council of Rochester.  This year we were able to fill up 25 backpacks!

Through the efforts of Lisa Capizzi, our firm is active in fund-raising efforts in addition to participating in local events for the MS Society of Rochester.  Cynthia and her family along with Lisa recently participated in the annual MS Walk.

Our members have been involved with many service organizations in the Rochester area including:

  • National MS Society
  • The Small Business Council of Rochester
  • Meals on Wheels
  • Ronald McDonald House
  • Lollypop Farm
  • Hamilton Manor Nursing Home
  • Seneca Park Zoo
  • Rochester Cares/Foodlink
  • Serenity House
  • Fairport Public Library
  • Mt. Carmel House
  • American Cancer Society
  • Sweden Recreational Baseball Leagues
  • Monroe County Volunteer Legal Service Project
  • The Women's Care Center

The needs of these organizations go well beyond the time and effort we can contribute, but knowing we have made a difference in someone's life is what really matters most.